Friday 1 December 2017

Mozambique & Lake Malawi: Lichinga - Metangula Part 1.

EP 2007
Hidden away in the remote north eastern corner of Mozambique is town of Lichinga, capital of Nyasa Province. In the centre low-rise, ‘eastern block’ style buildings cluster around an imposing, cream coloured concrete water tower, which is clearly visible throughout the town, and a convenient landmark for newcomers. There is a typical African market selling vegetables, lake fish and a host of bits and bobs. During the rainy season the wide market street, un-surfaced and potholed, sees droves of people working the mud into a porridge consistency, as they make their way home, to work, or to market. Many of them go barefoot, some ride bicycles, and a significantly better-off few cruise on motorbikes. When the rest of Mozambique swelters, Lichinga stays cool, and a steady drizzle can blanket out the town for days on end. When the sun does come out, it sears the earth to a crust, making those rainy days a welcome relief. Lichinga is a convenient place to stop overnight before an early morning start, and a long bumpy ride by truck down to Metangula on the shore of Lakes Malawi.

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